The Rib and Quin - two rivers in the heart of Herts

Welcome to the website of the Rib & Quin Catchment Partnership, and the home of the Rib & Quin Catchment Management Plan.  Our Catchment Plan will improve the river for wildlife and for people. It will also help us to meet the UK's obligations under the Water Framework Directive.

Latest news for the Rivers Rib & Quin

The new and emerging Environmental Land Management schemes (ELM) will play a significant part toward achieving the environment we want, whilst also contributing to a thriving rural economy and farming sector.

On behalf of Friends of the Rib and Quin, over the winter of 2021 Peter Sinclaire put together a useful and illustrative guide of the River Quin from Barkway to Braughing.

The Rib & Quin Catchment Partnership is now on Twitter!  Follow us at @RiversRibQuin.

Want to learn a new skill, meet new people, and get to know your local river (and its smaller inhabitants)?  If so, then Riverfly Monitoring could be for you!  We're currently trying to establish a network of volunteer invertebrate monitors on the Rib and Quin.  Come and help us out!

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