17. Eradication of Invasive Plant Species
Themes: Ecology and management; Public engagement
- Control or eradicate invasive non-native species
- Increase local knowledge and appreciation of the river
Project description
This project aims to control or ideally eradicate, invasive plant species from the catchment.
Himalayan Balsam is a particular problem within the catchment. It rapidly becomes dominant over an area, shading out other species. It dies back completely in winter, leaving banks bare and vulnerable to erosion.
This project aims to coordinate the control of Balsam and other invasive species throughout the catchment, via working parties and landowner engagement. HMWT information leaflets are distributed to riparian landowners each year, ranging from small private gardens to large estates. They are all co-operating and many pull the Balsam themselves. Several volunteer Balsam-pulling sessions were organised in 2015 and will be repeated annually.