7. Publicise the Beane
Theme: People
- To increase the attractiveness, visibility and public access, to enable people to appreciate the river (commensurate with managing and protecting sensitive habitats and species)
Project description
Various measures to increase public awareness of the River Beane, the threats it faces and what they can do to help.
Raising the awareness of local people is vital to gaining their support for the restoration of the river. This support can range from participation in practical work parties, reductions in personal water use, and moral support for the aims of the Catchment Plan.
Ongoing work for raising awareness:
- The walk map is being explored for a possible update
- Following the success of our guided walks in Summer 2015, more walks are planned for 2016; watch for updates here
- Following the success of our school painting competition in 2015, we are running another competition. Results will be announced in July
- The short film "On the banks of the Beane" has been produced and premiered, see project 27 for more information
- Car stickers have been produced and are on sale to the public
- Liaison with local Brownie groups to help with a badge scheme
Further Ideas for raising awareness include:
- Regularly provide articles for parish magazine
- Provide a pack of walks along the Beane
- A door-to-door leaflet drop
- Engaging with schools via education packs for teachers, visits to schools and promotion of school trips to the river
- keep the RBRA web site up to date
- Publicise the RBRA and related events on Facebook and Twitter