River Warden Scheme

The Beane River Wardens help to keep an eye on the river. Every month, the volunteer wardens walk a stretch of the river and record information on the following things:
•    Flow levels
•    Invasive species
•    Vegetation cover
•    Obstructions in the channel
•    Pollution

The latest results can be viewed here.This information helps to target practical actions, such as tackling invasive species, as well as providing a good record of the state of the river through time.

The River Warden Scheme is run by the River Beane Restoration Association. For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The RBRA also produce a quarterly newsletter.  You can see the latest here:  'What's Beane Happening?'


Groundwater levels

In addition to this, every month the River Beane Restoration Association measure the level of groundwater via a series of boreholes throughout the Beane catchment. Volunteers have been doing this since 1996.

The chart showing the changing water depth at Whitehall borehall over the last 15 years can be seen below.




Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. Hosting by Stablepoint