2. Eradicate Invasive Plant Species
Themes: Ecology and biodiversity; People
- Control or eradicate invasive non-native species
- Provide support and advice to riparian landowners
Project description
This project aims to control and eradicate non-native invasive plant species from the catchment.
Himalayan balsam and Giant hogweed are particular problems within the catchment. They rapidly become dominant over an area, shading out other native plant species. They also die back completely in winter, leaving bare river banks that are vulnerable to erosion.
In addition, Giant hogweed poses a serious threat to human health, causing burns and blisters if the sap makes contact with the skin.
This project aims to support the eradication of invasive species throughout the catchment, by providing advice on control, helping to coordinate action where possible and engaging with landowners.
For information on non-native invasive species, please contact the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust who will be able to point you in the right direction for gaining advice.