13. Understanding the Stort Valley’s importance to invertebrates

Theme: Habitats and wildlife


  • To maintain and enhance the river's natural habitats and wildlife

Project description

To better understand the significance of the Stort Valley to invertebrates

Preliminary survey work by the Hertfordshire county recorder for moths has identified the potential of the Stort Valley’s wetlands for invertebrates to be a ‘national nature reserve’. This project will survey the valley in detail to identify key habitats/sites for invertebrates in the Stort Valley, from Bishops Stortford to the River Lea. To carry out invertebrate surveys of those sites identified to have greatest potential, based on experience and historic records (would require repeat sampling at each site throughout the recording season, which is primarily Apr-Oct).To identify all the invertebrates found by the surveys and assess their status in the area/UK. Preparation of a conservation report to include habitat management recommendations.

Project lead: Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Project partners: Herts County Moth recorder; Hertfordshire Natural History Society; Environment Agency; Essex Wildlife Trust
Funding source: To be identified (£29,000)
Project start: When funding secured
Project end: With one year of start
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Invertebrate survey

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.