3. Bringing Barn Owls back to the Stort Valley
Theme: Habitats and wildlife
- To maintain and enhance the river's natural habitats and wildlife
Project description
Helping Barn Owls to colonise the Stort Valley through provision and monitoring of nesting boxes.
The project aims to provide safe, new places for Barn Owls to breed throughout the Stort Catchment by installing nest boxes in appropriate locations along the valley and valley sides.
Boxes will be targeted where there is suitable habitat for small mammals – the main food for Barn Owls - such as within open, rough grasslands.
Around 30 boxes were installed across the Stort Valley in 2015 - 2017 as a result of funding from the National Lottery. These boxes are maintained and monitored by trained volunteers.
If you have land suitable for hosting a box or are licensed to check barn owl boxes and would liek to volunteer please get in touch.