3. Improving river flow at Singler's Marsh

Themes: Flow; Water Quality, Habitats and Wildlife; People


  • That there is adequate flow along the length of the river to support a 'good status' chalk stream ecology (as defined by Water Framework Directive)
  • That whatever the flow level, the river and its associated habitats, including banks and floodplains, are managed to support chalk stream species
  • That water quality, temperature and river bed quality are such that they support chalk stream ecology
  • To increase the attractiveness, visibility and public access, to enable people to appreciate the river (commensurate with managing and protecting sensitive habitats and species)

Project description

This project aims to improve the flow of the river by narrowing it and to improve the ecology through planting of native species at this popular public access point.

This project aims to narrow the river at this point by using hurdles and coir rolls, in order to increase the flow of the river to help clear silt and also to provide bankside vegetation. It was started by Friends of the Mimram and completed with a grant from the NIA.   The  hurdles were back planted with natural species by the Friends of the Mimram and the coir rolls, formed of a natural fibre, are also pre-planted with native marginal bankside species.  In addition overhanging trees and shrubs were cut back to reduce the shade over the river to encourage vegetation and a riverside path was cut through the shrubs.


Since being completed, the silt has started to clear, vegetation has improved and the local community can access and enjoy the river.

Grid reference: TL22791667
Project lead: Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Project partners: Friends of the Mimram, Welwyn Hatfield Council; Environment Agency
Funding source: Natural England via the Nature Improvement Area (NIA) scheme
Project start: Ongoing
Project end: 41334
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.