38. River Restoration at Tewin Water House

Themes: Flow; Water Quality, Habitats and Wildlife


  • That there is adequate flow along the length of the river to support a 'good status' chalk stream ecology (as defined by Water Framework Directive)
  • That whatever the flow level, the river and its associated habitats, including banks and floodplains, are managed to support chalk stream species
  • That water quality, temperature and river bed quality are such that they support chalk stream ecology

Project description

This project will increase habitat diversity and reduce siltation.

 The river Mimram is heavily shaded in this reach to the extent that no light penetrates through to the river bed and as a consequence there is no marginal or in-channel vegetation. In addition an old weir is holding up the water levels and causing considerable silt to build up behind it. In the centre of the weirs wooden boards were installed in 2013 during a low flow period. The plan is to remove these boards de-silt the reach and plant the margins with native marginal vegetation.

Grid reference: TL25461452
Project lead: Affinity Water
Project partners: Landowner
Funding source: Affinity Water
Project start: February 2016
Project end: March 2016
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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