16. River path clearance at Singler's Marsh

Theme: People


  • To increase the attractiveness, visibility and public access, to enable people to appreciate the river (commensurate with managing and protecting sensitive habitats and species)

Project description

To help keep the paths and access to the Mimram clear of nettles and other obstructions.

The Friends of the Mimram Singlers Marsh Special Interest Group plan to undertake a programme of work to help keep Singlers Marsh an attractive commnuity space and nature reserve. This will include

      •        Riverside path maintenance 
  •        Raising the canopy and removing overhanging branches 
  •        Removing invasive weeds
  •        Clearing the Drain from South to North ( assisted by Wednesday Group and others)
  •        Maintenance of trees around pumping station 
  •        Planting daffodils ( when appropriate) 
  •        Cutting back blackthorns
    •        Ad hoc litter picking

       Misc other small tasks

This work programme is reflected in Welhat BC's management plan

Grid reference: TL22791667
Project lead: Friends of the Mimram Singlers Marsh Special Interest Group
Project start: January 2013
Project end: Ongoing
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
River path clearance at Singler's Marsh

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.