8. Channel restoration

Theme: Water Quality, Habitats and Wildlife


  • That whatever the flow level, the river and its associated habitats, including banks and floodplains, are managed to support chalk stream species
  • That water quality, temperature and river bed quality are such that they support chalk stream ecology

Project description

To lower a weir, increase the variability of flow, narrow the channel and improve the in-stream habitat

The river along this section (the Lammas) has historically been straightened and widened. The river would benefit from having deflectors and ‘pinch points’ installed to add variety to the flow, narrow the channel, allow in-steam vegetation to develop, increase scour and mimic a natural ‘riffle and pool’ sequence.  There is also a weir which, as well as acting as a barrier to fish, backs up the water and contributes to silting upstream of the weir.

Grid reference: TL29991956
Project lead: Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Project partners: Environment Agency; Watton Parish Council, River Beane Restoration Association
Funding source: Environment Agency
Project start: 2016
Project end: 2019
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Channel restoration

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.