16. Countryside Stewardship

Theme: Promoting appropriate and sympathetic land management


  • Improve existing wildlife corridors
  • Control or eradicate invasive non-native species
  • Increase the amount and quality of habitat

Project description

Luton Borough Council secured Countryside Stewardship agreements for Leagrave Common and Waulud's Bank, commencing in January 2016.

This funding is being utilised as part of the annual autumn grass cutting and clearance of arisings around the site. In autumn/winter 2016/2017, the hedgerows on Waulud's Bank were substantially cut back and some scrub cleared to reveal more of the earthwork.

Countryside Stewardship provides incentives for land managers to look after their environment. It is open to all eligible farmers, woodland owners, foresters and other land managers - including Councils. The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular the diversity of wildlife (biodiversity) and water quality.

The scheme is jointly run by Natural England, Forestry Commission England and the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) on behalf of Defra.



Project lead: Luton Borough Council
Project start: July 2015
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Countryside Stewardship protect and enhance the natural environment, such as these native plants.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. Hosting by Stablepoint