The Environment Agency are seeking views on how the WINEP can be updated to ensure that it is delivering benefits for the environment. Closing 16 September 2021.

The WINEP is a programme of actions that water companies will undertake to improve the environment. The actions included in a water company’s WINEP reflect the company’s obligations arising from environmental legislation such as Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulations, Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) Regulations, Bathing Waters Regulations, and Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations. The WINEP may also contain non-statutory actions.

Water companies include these actions in their business plans so that they can be funded through customer water bills.

The WINEP is currently developed by the Environment Agency and Natural England in consultation with water companies. It focusses on the actions that are required to meet new environmental obligations, or existing environmental obligations. 

However, despite continued significant investment from water companies, increasing pressures from pollutants, a growing population, and climate change are reducing the impact of the WINEP.

Please take a read of the consultation and provide your views. The consultation can be found here: Review of the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) - Environment Agency - Citizen Space (

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