11. Improving habitats along the Cobbins Brook
Theme: Ecology and morphology
- Improve riverine and riparian habitat
Project description
This project aims to improve the riparian habitat along the Cobbins Brook, a tributary of the River Lea.
The brook flows beside and under the M25 and joins the River Lea at Waltham Abbey. It is largely undistrubed and has developed a scrub and vegetated edge to the watercourse that is good for bats, small mammals and a rnage of invertebrates.
The project aims to improve the habitat variety along the brook edge, focusing on selective tree management to increase light reaching the channel which will help to promote growth of the reedbed along the margins of the watercourse.
Fencing to prevent mammal road deaths ont he M25 may also be encouraged, as well as additional nesting boxes for birds and bats.