Practical help needed
Some of the projects will require some hands-on, practical help. If you can give your time and fancy getting involved with practical work in and around the river, this could be for you!
We will post information on twitter @thisisyourriver as projects require help. Please check back regularly for details.
WANTED - 'Rain planter' box locations
‘Rain planter’ boxes on community buildings and schools are taking rainwater off roofs reducing the amount of water in the sewers at one time which in turn reduces sewage overflows. Love The Lea runs a build your own 'rain planter' box scheme. If you would like a 'rain planter' box in your school or in the community building you manage, please contact Thames21 Fixing Broken Rivers Programme Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WANTED - Water Quality Citizen Scientists
Volunteers test water quality at various sites along the London Lea. If you are interested in learning how to test water quality and contribute to this monitoring scheme, please email Thames21 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
WANTED – Outfall monitors
Salmons Brook outfall monitors are local volunteers trained to monitor their local river for visual signs of pollution as it enters the water, which gives an indication of their potential source. If you are interested in becoming an outfall monitor for the London Lea, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..